
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

I'm a Liffey Champion Champ

Wednesday, 2nd October.
So for my first Work Experience placement I went to the Liffey Champion Newspaper Offices in Leixlip. I arrived at 9am and the first task I was given was to answer the phones and take messages for my supervisor. I didn't enjoy this, as people were asking me questions that I had no ideas how to answer, because I knew nothing about the company yet. When my supervisor arrived at 10am, she gave me some office tasks to carry out. At 12pm, Katie and I went for our lunch break down the town and we found a newsagents. We bought a few sweets and walked back up to the office to eat them, along with my packed lunch.
At 1pm, I did more office tasks, and then my Boss had given both Katie and I stories to write. I wrote an article about Toastmasters in Maynooth and another one about a Racing event.
I was doing jobs for people in the office like sending around messages, and organizing files.
Wednesday is printing day for the newspaper, so everyone is under pressure to meet the 2pm deadline that is set.
Luckily, I wasn't in the newsroom for most of the time, I was in the office. So I wasn't in the war-zone of smashing keyboards and printing stories.
I ended up getting my supervisor to answer as many calls as possible, because I just hate answering the phones!
I left at 5pm, and I was so tired!
Next week, I hope to get more writing tasks.

Bye for now.


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